## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # library(dplyr) # library(parallel) # To use mclapply() when reestimating the association matrix. # library(robustbase) # To fit a robust regression # library(minet) # To estimate network via ARACNE # Please run the following lines to install minet package # from Bioconductor in your R console: #if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") #BiocManager::install("minet") ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(PRANA) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(combinedCOPDdat_RGO) # A complete data containing expression and clinical data. ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A gene expression data part of the downloaded data. rnaseqdat <- combinedCOPDdat_RGO[ , 8:ncol(combinedCOPDdat_RGO)] rnaseqdat <- as.data.frame(apply(rnaseqdat, 2, as.numeric)) # A clinical data with additional covariates sorted by current smoking groups: # The first column is ID, so do not include. phenodat <- combinedCOPDdat_RGO[order(combinedCOPDdat_RGO$currentsmoking), 2:7] # Indices of non-current smoker (namely Group A) index_grpA <- which(combinedCOPDdat_RGO$currentsmoking == 0) # Indices of current smoker (namely Group B) index_grpB <- which(combinedCOPDdat_RGO$currentsmoking == 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRANAres <- PRANA(RNASeqdat = rnaseqdat, clindat = phenodat, groupA = index_grpA, groupB = index_grpB) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is useful when we want to create a table with adjusted p-values only. adjpval(PRANAres) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create an object to keep the table with adjusted p-values using adjpval() function. adjptab <- adjpval(PRANAres) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please do NOT forget to provide a name of variable with the quotation marks! adjpval_specific_var(adjptab = adjptab, varname = "currentsmoking") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please do NOT forget to provide a name of variable with the quotation marks! sigDCGtab <- sigDCGtab(adjptab = adjptab, groupvar = "currentsmoking", alpha = 0.05) sigDCGtab ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please do NOT forget to provide a name of variable with the quotation marks! sigDCGnames <- sigDCGnames(adjptab = adjptab, groupvar = "currentsmoking", alpha = 0.05) sigDCGnames ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #rename_genes(sigDCGnames, to = "symbol", species = "human")