## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(dplyr) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- library(OhdsiReportGenerator) # create a connection details object to connectionDetails <- getExampleConnectionDetails() # create a connection handler to the results library(ResultModelManager) ConnectionHandler <- ResultModelManager::ConnectionHandler$new(connectionDetails) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- cohorts <- getCohortDefinitions( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', cgTablePrefix = 'cg_', targetIds = NULL ) knitr::kable( x = cohorts %>% dplyr::select(-"json", -"sqlCommand"), caption = 'The data.frame extracted containing the cohort details minus the json and sqlCommand columns.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- if(nrow(cohorts) > 0){ processedCohorts <- processCohorts(cohorts) knitr::kable( x = data.frame( parentId = processedCohorts$parents, parentName= names(processedCohorts$parents) ), caption = 'The parent cohorts.' ) knitr::kable( x = processedCohorts$cohortList[[1]] %>% dplyr::select(-"json", -"sqlCommand"), caption = 'The children/subset cohorts for the first parent cohort.' ) } ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- subsets <- getCohortSubsetDefinitions( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', cgTablePrefix = 'cg_' ) knitr::kable( x = subsets, caption = 'The subset cohort logic used in the analysis.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- tte <- getTimeToEvent( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main' ) knitr::kable( x = tte %>% dplyr::filter(.data$timeScale == 'per 365-day'), caption = 'Example time-to-event results for the 365-day scale.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- drc <- getDechallengeRechallenge( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main' ) knitr::kable( x = drc, caption = 'Example dechallenge-rechallenge results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- ir <- getIncidenceRates( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', targetIds = 1 ) knitr::kable( x = ir %>% dplyr::filter( subgroupName == 'All' & ageGroupName == 'Any' & genderName == 'Any' & startYear == 'Any' ), caption = 'Example incidence rate results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- rf <- getBinaryRiskFactors( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', targetId = 1, outcomeId = 3 ) knitr::kable( x = rf, caption = 'Example risk factors for binary features results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- rf <- getContinuousRiskFactors( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', targetId = 1, outcomeId = 3 ) knitr::kable( x = rf, caption = 'Example risk factors for continuous features results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- modelDesigns <- getPredictionModelDesigns( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', targetIds = 1002, outcomeIds = 3 ) knitr::kable( x = modelDesigns %>% dplyr::select( "modelDesignId", "modelType", "developmentTargetId", "developmentTargetName", "developmentOutcomeId", "developmentOutcomeName", "timeAtRisk", "meanAuroc", "noDevelopmentDatabases" ), caption = 'Example model designs for the prediction results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- perform <- getPredictionPerformances( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', modelDesignId = 1 ) knitr::kable( x = perform, caption = 'Example performance for the prediction results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- top5 <- getPredictionTopPredictors( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', targetIds = 1002, outcomeIds = 3, numberPredictors = 5 ) knitr::kable( x = top5 , caption = 'Example top five predictors.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- attrition <- getPredictionPerformanceTable( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', table = 'attrition', performanceId = 1 ) knitr::kable( x = attrition , caption = 'Example prediction attrition for performance 1.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- cmEst <- getCMEstimation( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main', targetIds = 1002, comparatorIds = 2002, outcomeIds = 3 ) knitr::kable( x = cmEst , caption = 'Example cohort method estimation results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- cmMe <- getCmMetaEstimation( connectionHandler = ConnectionHandler, schema = 'main' ) knitr::kable( x = cmMe , caption = 'Example cohort method meta analysis estimation results.' ) ## ----echo=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------------- plotCmEstimates( cmData = cmEst, cmMeta = NULL, targetName = 'Example Target', comparatorName = 'Example Comp', selectedAnalysisId = 1 )