## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(ONEST) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(ONEST) data("sp142_bin") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # figure(1): Plot of the agreement percentage in the order of columns in the inputs; # figure(2): Plot of the 100 randomly chosen permutations; # figure(3): Plot of the empirical confidence interval; # figure(4): Barchart: the x axis is the case number and the Y axis is the number of pathologists that called that case positive, sorted from lowest to highest on the y axis; # figure(5): Plot of the proportion of identical reads among a set of pathologists; # figure(6): Plot of the difference between the proportion of identical reads among a set of pathologists; # ONEST_main(sp142_bin) data('empirical') ONEST_vignettes(sp142_bin,empirical) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("sp142_bin") ONEST_inflation_test(sp142_bin) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (1) With example dataset sp263_bin: # data("sp263_bin") ONEST_main(sp263_bin) ONEST_inflation_test(sp263_bin) # (2) With example dataset NCNN_sp142: # data("NCCN_sp142") ONEST_main(NCCN_sp142) ONEST_inflation_test(NCCN_sp142) # (3) With example dataset NCNN_sp142_t: # data("NCCN_sp142_t") ONEST_main(NCCN_sp142_t) ONEST_inflation_test(NCCN_sp142_t) # (4) With example dataset NCCN_22c3_t: # data("NCCN_22c3_t") ONEST_main(NCCN_22c3_t) ONEST_inflation_test(NCCN_22c3_t)