title: "Introduction"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
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# Introduction to MiscMetabar: an R package to facilitate visualization and reproducibility in metabarcoding analysis
## Raison d'ĂȘtre
- Complete R packages dada2 and phyloseq
- Useful visualizations (`biplot_pq`, `circle_pq`, `upset_pq`, `ggvenn_pq`)
- Facilitate the use of targets package
## Quick overview
For an introduction to metabarcoding in R, Please visite the [state of the field](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/states_of_fields_in_R.html) vignettes. The [import, export and track](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/import_export_track.html) vignette explains how import and export `phyloseq` object. Its also show how to summarize useful information (number of sequences, samples and clusters) accross bioinformatic pipelines.
If you are interested in ecological metrics, see the vignettes describing [alpha-diversity](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/alpha-div.html) and [beta-diversity](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/beta-div.html) analysis.
The vignette [filter taxa and samples](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/filter.html) describes some data-filtering processes using MiscMetabar and the [reclustering](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/Reclustering.html) tutorial introduces the different way of clustering already-clustered OTU/ASV. The vignette [tengeler](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/tengeler.html) explore the dataset from Tengeler et al. (2020) using some MiscMetabar functions.
For developers, I also wrote a vignette describing som [rules of codes](https://adrientaudiere.github.io/MiscMetabar/articles/Rules.html).
### Summarize a physeq object
```{r example}
### Create an interactive table of the tax_table
```{r results="asis"}
data("GlobalPatterns", package = "phyloseq")
rowSums(GlobalPatterns@otu_table) > 100000
### Sankey diagram of the tax_table
gp <- subset_taxa(GlobalPatterns, GlobalPatterns@tax_table[, 1] == "Archaea")
sankey_pq(gp, taxa = c(1:5))
### Upset plot for visualize distribution of taxa in function of samples variables
upset_pq(gp, "SampleType", taxa = "Class")
# References
Tengeler, A.C., Dam, S.A., Wiesmann, M. et al. Gut microbiota from persons with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder affects the brain in mice. Microbiome 8, 44 (2020).
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