Version 1.4.0
- March 1, 2025
- Updated verifyAllele() to identify all releases in which an allele
name appears or the first (oldest) release in which that name
- Updated getField() to eliminate duplication of expression variant
suffixes, and exit gracefully when ‘append’ is not a logical value.
- Added the translateAllele(), translateGLstring(),
multiTranslateGLstring() functions.
- Refactored updateGL(), GLupdate() and multiUpdateGL() for
efficiency, and to ensure translation across all IPD-IMGT/HLA Release
Versions. Replaced the ‘GLstring’ parameter in these functions with the
‘GLSC’ parameter.
- Added the verbose parameter to updateGL(), GLupdate() and
- Updated validateGLstring() and translateAllele() to account for the
“w” in “Cw.
- Updated GIANT() to interchange the “C” and “Cw” locus names when
HLA-C data are translated across nomnenclature epoch 1 or 2 allele names
and epoch 3 allele names.
- Updated GIANT(), updateGL() and multiUpdateGL() to use
checkVersion() rather than validateVersion().
- Updated the description of the vector returned by
- Added examples for customAlign() and alignmentSearch().
- Corrected formatting, spelling and grammatical errors in the
documentation of several functions.
- NOTE: GLupdate() is maintained in this release for compatibility
with previous releases, but will be removed in a future release.
- Updated News and Vignette.
Version 1.3.0
- November 11, 2024
- HLAatlas, HLAgazeteer, alleleListHistory and fragmentFeatureNames
updated to IPD-IMGT/HLA Database release 3.58.0.
- Exported HLAgazeteer for use in validateLocus(),
multiLocusValidation(), and buildAlignments().
- Updated buildAlignments() to append expression suffixes to the
truncated names of 3- and 4-field alleles with expression variant
- Added multiQueryRelase(), extending queryRelease() to search for
multiple allele-name elements.
- Updated the package vignette.
- Spelling corrections in fragmentFeatureNames documentation.
Version 1.2.0
- August 20, 2024
- Added multiAlleleTrim() for trimming vectors of allele names in a
single nomenclature epoch.
Version 1.1.4
- August 16, 2024
- Revised multiUpdateGL() to avoid collisions between allele names and
version identifiers, improve messaging and efficiency, update sets of GL
String Codes generated under different release versions, and append
“HLA-” to allele names in returned GLSCs.
- Changed release version in GLSC.ex dataset from 3.1.0 to
- Updated alleleTrim() to optionally include expression variants in
truncated allele names.
Version 1.1.3
- August 2, 2024
- Package version 1.1.1 published on CRAN Repository on July 26,
- Updated the feature names for HLA-R in fragmentFeatureNames.
- Described all four non-standardard features in ffN()
- Minor corrections to vignette.
- Updated package Description.
Version 1.1.2
- July 24 to July 25, 2024
- Updated the bundled HLAatlas object to include non-standard features
for the HLA-R gDNA atlas.
- Changed the date on the IMGTHLAGeneTypes object from “09-07-2024” to
“08-07-2024” to reflect the date on the updated page.
- Corrected a typo in documentation for ffn().
- Updated atlasMaker() to return non-standard gene feature names for
the HLA-R, -S, -T, -V, and -W cDNA atlases.
- Noted non-standard features in HLAatlas and atlasMaker
- Updated data/HLAatlas.rda file to reflect these changes.
Version 1.1.1
- July 21, 2024
- Added link to ANHIG/IMGTHLA GitHub repo in Description.
- Removed example from BuildIMGTHLAGeneTypes().
- Modified updateAll() to load new objects into the parent.frame()
environment, rather than .GlobalEnv.
- Submission to CRAN.
Version 1.1.0
- July 17, 2024
- Added the GIANT() function for translating vectors and data frames
of HLA allele names across IPD-IMGT/HLA Database release versions.
- Updates to ReadMe and Vignette.
- Updates to function examples.
- Submission to CRAN.
Version 1.0.4
- July 12, 2024
- Modified functions to support and incorporate the new HLA-R
- Corrected fragmentFeaturesNames annotations for HLA-P and -W.
- Updated the alleleListHistory, fragmentFeatureNames, HLAgazeteer and
HLAatlas data objects to version 3.57.0, and IMGTHLAGeneTypes to version
09-07-2024, and aded these versions to the package.
Version 1.0.3
- July 10, 2024
- Corrected typo in queryRelease() documentation.
- Expanded acronyms in DESCRIPTION.
- Added ‘value’ lines to addCodonLine(), getField(), typeToSource()
and updateAll().
- Minor edits to other function descriptions.
- Replaced ‘dontrun’ with ‘donttest’ in function documentations, or
remove ‘dontrun’ in some cases.
- Removed note for atlasFull().
- Removed pseudo.codon global variable and zzz.R file.
- Updated GLVhelper() for full release versions 1., 2. and
3.* functionality.
- Streamlined updateGL() functionality and include informative
- Updated documentation and examples for GLupdate(), GLV(), GLV2,
- Updated GLVhelper() functoinality, documention and messaging.
- Added ‘namespace’ parameter to GLvalidate(), supporting HLA and KIR
GLSC namespaces, although KIR is not supported in the HLAtools
- Added BIGDAWG-formatted sHLAdata synthetic dataset for use with
BDstrat(), BDtoPyPop() and relRisk().
- Added calls to sHLAdata in BDstrat(), BDtoPyPop() and relRisk()
- Updated ReadMe and Vignette.
Version 1.0.2
- June 28, 2024
- Removed GPL license document.
- Adopted canonical URL to BIGDAWG input format in relRisk() and
- Added URL to HLAtools GitHub repository.
- Correct titles for ExpandVersion() and GLtoUN() functions.
- Submission to CRAN.
Version 1.0.1
- June 27, 2024
- Wrapped individual authors in c() in DESCRIPTION.
- Limited ‘cre’ role to the package Maintainer.
- Submission to CRAN.
Version 1.0.0
- June 26, 2024
- Standardized function documentation.
- Remove write.table() calls from atlasMaker().
- Add save.path parameter to BDtoPyPop() and relRisk().
- initial package release.
- Submission to CRAN.
June 24th to 25th, 2024
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for DRB1 in release
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HLA-B in releases 3.44.0
and 3.43.0.
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HFE in releases 3.27.0 to
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HLA-V in release
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for DPA2 and DPB2 in releases
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HLA-N, -S, -U, and -Y in
releases 3.35.0-3.33.0.
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HLA-Y in releases
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HLA-W and -T in release
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for All loci in release
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for HLA-C in release
- Updated atlasMaker() to build atlases for DPA, DPB, TAP1 and TAP2 in
release 3.00.0.
- Stopped atlasMaker() writing correspondence_tables to tempdir.
Version June 21,
- Added addCodonLine() function to facilitate fixing nucleotide
alignments that are missing “AA codon” lines.
June 10th to 20th, 2024
- Updated buildAlignments() to build DPA2 and DPB2 cDNA alignments in
releases prior to 3.54.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build DRB1 gDNA alignments in release
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-B cDNA alignments in releases
3.44.0 and 3.43.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-N, -S, -U and -Y cDNA
alignments in releases prior to 3.36.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-W and -T cDNA alignments in
release 3.27.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HFE cDNA alignments in releases
prior to 3.28.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-DPA, -DPB, -DQA and -DQB AA
alignments in releases prior to 3.24.0. The returned objects are “\(DPA", "\)DPB”, “\(DQA" and "\)DQB”, the loci in
these objects are “DPA1”, “DPB1”, “DQA1” and “DQB1”.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-V in version 3.14.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to account for version inconsistency
(3.13.0 vs 3.13.1) in release 3.13.1 alignments.
- Updated documentation of repoVersion() for accuracy.
- Applied repoVersion() in buildAlignments().
- Modified buildGazeteer() to account for version differences in URL
and alignment files for release 3.13.0/3.13.1.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-C cDNA alignments in release
- Close connections in HLAgazeteer().
- Updated buildAligmments() to build HLA-DOA AA alignment in release
- Updated documentation for updateAll().
- Updated repoVersion() for release 3.00.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build HLA-DPA and -DPB cDA alignments
in release 3.00.0.
- Updated buildAlignments() to build TAP1 and TAP2 cDNA alignments in
version 3.00.0.
Version June 4,
- Clarified that the oldest available release for GL String Code
updating is version 1.05.0.
- Changed the default IMGT/HLA Release version for alignmentFull() to
the version of the loaded HLAgazeteer.
Version May 28,
- Added motifMatch() and validateMotif() functions. Thanks to Kazu
Osoegawa for the suggestion.
- Updated documentation for checkAlignType().
- Corrected documentation for fragmentFeatureNames.
Version May 16,
- Updated package title.
- Minor updates to Vignette.
- Changed ’*’ to ‘#’ for PyPop version references.
- Complete citations for published sources of the HLAgazeteer.
- Limited asterisks in function parameter documentation.
- Added link to PyPop configuration file webpage in
- Added locus sanity check in compareSequences().
- Modified getField() so that NA values are not appended to an allele
name when a resolution higher than that of the provided allele is
Version May 10,
- Updated buildGazeteer() to account for the DRB2, DRB6, DRB7 and DRB9
- Updated documentation for HLAgazeteer regarding the DRB2, DRB6, DRB7
and DRB9 genes and the DRB alignment files.
- Updated documentation for fragmentFeatureNames() regarding the DRB2,
DRB6, DRB7 and DRB9 genes and genomic alignments.
- Updated the vignette to reflect these issues.
Version May 3,
- Added BDtoPyPop() function.
- Updates to Vignette, ReadMe and Description.
Version April 27,
- Removed reliance on HTexceptions data object.
- Correction to relRisk().
Version April 20,
- Standardized use of ‘source’ in documentation.
- Changed ‘alignType’ parameter to ‘source’ in
- Added checkAlignType() and checkSource() functions for converting
between alignmentType (for alignment objects) and source (for alignment
files) values.
- Added checkAlignType() to AlignmentFull().
- Suppressed warning messages in alignmentFull() and
- Restricted compareSequences() to a single ‘alignType’.
- Clarified when only a single ‘alignType’ is allowed for a
- Edits to Vignette.
Version April 15,
- Added the queryRelease() function for searching the
alleleListHistory object.
- Formalized and streamlined the GL String to UNIFORMAT and UNIFORMAT
to GL String functions and updated documentation.
- Corrected documentation for customAlign().
- Corrected Markdown formatting in BDstrat.R.
- First draft of complete Vignette.
Version April 11,
- Added ‘source’ selection to multiLocusValidation().
- Modified atlasMaker() to support updated
- Updated packaged data objects
(HLAatlas,HLAgazeteer,fragmentFeatureNames and alleleListHistory) to
version IPD-IMGT/HLA Database Release version 3.56.0.
- Updated Vignette.
Version April 9,
- Added HTexceptions() and the HTexceptions data object, which make
defined exceptions for specific use cases available for package
- Added HTexceptions.rda to the /data folder.
- Updated atlasMaker() to use HTexceptions for building DPA2, DPB2 and
HLA-Y nucleotide atlases.
- Updated atlasMaker() to use multiLocusValidation(), which depends on
the HLAgazeteer$version to evaluate locus:version matches.
- Modified multiLocusValidation() messaging to reflect this dependence
on HLAgazeteer$version.
- Updates to Vignette.
- Updates to ReadMe.
Version April 7,
- Correctly added GPL3 License to package.
- Added getAlignmentNames() function.
- Added repoVersion() function.
- Added parseAlignmentHead() function.
- Updated buildGazeteer() to use getAlignmentNames().
- Updated atlasMaker(), buildAlignments() and buildGazeteer() to use
- Updates to Vignette.
- Updates to ReadMe.
Version April 3,
- Added multiLocusValidation() function.
- Applied multiLocusValidation() in AlignmentFull().
- Closed connections in versionValidation().
- Added documentation to fragmentFeatureNames.R.
- Added content to Vignette.
- Corrected returned list names in BDstrat().
- Updated ReadMe.
- Updated documentation for relRisk().
Version April 1,
- Minor update to alignmentFull().
- Updated alignmentFull() documentation to note the absence of DP and
DQ gene numbers in older database releases.
- Added sections to Vignette.
- Reformatted News to include bullets.
Version March 31,
- Updated BDStrat() to function on multiple alleles at multiple
- Added sections to Vignette.
Version March 24,
- Added the BDstrat() function for stratifying BIGDAWG-formatted
datasets by single alleles
- Added the verifyAllele() function, which leverages AlleleListHistory
to determine if and when a full alllele name was valid.
- Updated ReadMe.
Version March 21,
- Added the relRisk() function for calculating relative risk using
BIGDAWG-formatted datasets.
- Added $align to HLAgazeteer to identify all genes with
- Added new versions of the HLAatlas, HLAgazeteerm IMGTHLAGeneTypes,
alleleListHistory, and fragmentFeatureNames objects to the package.
- Updated ReadMe.
- Added bullet points to News.
Version March 19,
- Updated posSort() and and alignmentSearch() to address edge-cases
and support searching for intron positions.
- Updated getField() so that expression variant identifiers are
optionally appended to truncated versions of full-length expression
- Reestructured descriptions of several functions for clarity.
Version March 19,
- Standardized versioning for the packaged data objects.
- Added functionality for updating packaged data objects.
Version March 13,
- Expanded HLAgazeteer to define multiple functional and
organizational sets of genes.
- Expanded alignmentFull() to build user-defined sets of
- Updated ReadMe and Description to reflect expanded capacities.
Version February
18, 2024
- Consolidated sequence query and custom alignment building functions
to support all alignments.
Version February
16, 2024
- Added a nucleotide (‘nuc’) aligmment to HLAalignments, and changed
the previous ‘nuc’ alignment to ‘codon’.
- Nucleotide sequence query functions support both nucleotide and
codon cDNA aligmnents.
Version February
10, 2024
- Added documentation, updated functions for building alignments.
Version February
9, 2024
- HLAtools Package contains reference datasets, along side query and
analysis tools.