Changes in version 1.2 (Sep 2019) ==================================== - ".QC$parameters" is renamed to ".QC$input_parameters" - checkConfigFileSections() function was added to checkConfigFile.R - Below variables are changed: * study$SNPs_invalid.path * study$SNPs_removed.path * study$SNPs_improbable_values.path * study$SNPs_duplicates.path * study$SNPs_mismatches.path * study$SNPs_monomorphic.path * study$SNPs_multi_allelic.path * study$SNPs_ambiguous.path * study$SNPs_significant.path - Add compatibility for older versions of R * save.alternate.reference() ==> saveRDS(... , version = '2') * save.rds.file() ==> saveRDS(... , version = '2') Changes in version 1.3 (Nov 2019) ==================================== - New classes are defined using the S4 object system in R: * Inspector * Study * StudyList - New functions are developed for creating and running the algorithm: * setup.inspector() * run.inspector() * result.inspector() * sample.inspector() Changes in version 1.4 (Jan 2020) ==================================== - Allele matching was improved for Insertion/Deletion multi-allelic variants. - Manhattan plot function was made dependent from the rest of the package. - Report files were synchronized. - Minor bugs were fixed. - sample.inspector() is renamed to demo.inspector(). Changes in version 1.4.7 (Apr 2020) ==================================== - R.utils package is imported for reading gz files. - 'cmd' parameter is no more used in data.table::fread(). - data.table V1.12.8 is required for directly writing gz files. Changes in version (May 2020) ==================================== - Summary statistics are generated seprately for HQ variants. Changes in version 1.4.8 (Jul 2020) ==================================== - New parameter added to run.inspectior() function. The `verbose` parameter can be used to suppress messages in the terminal. - New parameters aded to [output_parameters] section in the configuration file for saving additional columns in the result files: * add_column_multiallelic * add_column_AFmismatch * add_column_HQ * add_column_rsid - New parameter added to [output_parameters] section in the configuration file for ordering the variants in the result files based on CHR:POS values. * ordered Changes in version (Dec 2020) ==================================== - A new column containing CHR:POS:EFF_ALL_OTHER_ALL can be added to the output files (add_column_hid). Changes in version (Jan 2021) ==================================== - file_order_string added to configuration file. - smoothScatter() function used for AF correlation scatterplot. Changes in version 1.5.7 (Jan 2022) ==================================== - Some minor debugging was done. Changes in version 1.6.0 (Nov 2022) ==================================== - XLSX package was replaced by OPENXLSX. Changes in version 1.6.4 (May 2023) ==================================== - Minor changes for compatibility with R v4.3. - setup.inspector() is renamed to setup_inspector() - run.inspector() is renamed to run_inspector() - result.inspector() is renamed to result_inspector() - demo.inspector() is renamed to demo_inspector() - compare.GWASs() is renamed to compare_GWASs() - system.check() is renamed to system_check() - get.config() is renamed to get_config() - get.headerTranslation() is renamed to get_headerTranslation() - manhattan.plot() is renamed to manhattan_plot()