2.0-2 - introduced the possibility to select the type of empirical copula to be used (default is the beta) - deleted the numerical computation of the cec in N values - deleted the seed argument 2.0-1 - correct the value for 'Selected.alpha' in the documentation of the NPCoImp - modify an error message - update references 2.0-0 - added a new function (class NPCoImp) that implements an additional imputation method based on the empirical conditional copula. 1.0 - enlarge the set of copula models: t-Student with df.fixed=FALSE, rotated copulas, unstructured normal copulas - fixed a problem with the starting values of the copulas to be estimated - fixed some problems with the extraction of the class according to the kind of copula model 0.3-1 - fixed a bug on x.up and x.lo arguments of the CoImp function; - improved the q.up (x.up) and q.lo (x.lo) arguments of the CoImp function: now it is possible to specify a different value for each margin; - improved the MAR function. 0.3-0 - introduced some arguments in the CoImp function used in the Hit or Miss and in the maximization of each marginal density function; - fixed a problem in the MCAR and MAR functions (missed a set.seed)); - improved the argument plot of the CoImp function and the colnames in the two plots; - added some checks in all the functions; - updated references in the documentation; - changed the loglikCopula function call according to the changes in the copula package; - fixed a problem in the second while of the hitormiss function ('and' was substituted by 'or'); - added a check on the presence of at least one complete record in the CoImp function; - added a check on the matrix in input of the functions MAR and MCAR. 0.2-3 - cleaned and improved the documentation; - moved almost all the dependencies to the Imports section; - removed the dependence on tseriesEntropy package which is not on the CRAN. 0.2-2 - removed the dependence on cubature package; - changed the function fcond.mod in CoImp_Esterne.R (the adaptIntegrate function of the cubature package is not used anymore and the check due to a bug in dcopula function have been deleted); - hitormiss function does not use anymore the vectorized version of the fcond function; - modified the computation of the median values of the data; - reintroduced methods plot and show; - introduced a function (MCAR) that generates missing completely at random; - introduced a function (MAR) that generates missing at random through a logistic multinomial regression model; - introduced a function (PerfMeasure) that computes a set of performance measures for a given imputed data set; - deleted the function for multiple imputation (CoImpEval). 0.2-1 - added the cubature package in the Description file; - changed the function fcond.mod in CoImp_Esterne.R: now it uses the adaptIntegrate function of the cubature package; - example in CoImp.Rd: deleted three TRUE values in the call of the CoImp function (TRUE is default). 0.1-2 - packaged under R 2.15.0; - deleted methods plot and show: problems should be fixed. 0.1-1 - added a check to fcond.mod related to a bug in dcopula (package copula); to be removed; - fixed import warning on import(graphics).