* version 2.2.3 - Added 3 dataset to the package (NouraguesTrees, NouraguesCoords and NouraguesPlot201) and removed KarnatakaForest - Creation of 2 more educational vignettes (Vignette_BIOMASS and Vignette_spatialized_trees_and_forest_stand_metrics) - Updated pkgdown BIOMASS website * version 2.2.2 - Add the ref_raster argument to the check_plot_coord() function to display the plot over a reference raster (typically a chm). - Add the prop_tree argument to display trees proportionally (in size and alpha transparency) to a tree_data variable * version 2.2.1 - Modified check_plot_coord(), the function now : - handles multiple plots using the 'plot_id' and 'tree_plot_id' arguments. The new argument 'ask' prompts user before displaying each plot. - takes as its first argument a data-frame of corner coordinates (in a pipe-use way), and the column names of its relative/projected coordinates for the rest * version 2.2 - Modified bilinear interpolation to generalized bilinear interpolation that can deal with rectangular plot and non (0;0) origin corner plot - Added check_plot_coord function which will replace correctCoordGPS() : - calculation of projected coordinates of plot corners depend on trust_GPS_corners argument : if TRUE, a bilinear interpolation is applied (after averaging plot corners and removing outliers) to retrieve tree projected coordinates, if FALSE a procrust analyses is applied as before - rangeX and rangeY are no longer needed : they are calculated using relative coordinates dimensions of the plot corners - a ggplot is returned as output instead of a plot of the plot - calculation of the projected coordinates of the trees is done, using tree_df and tree_coords arguments - Added divide_plot function which will replace cutPlot() - No corner numerotation is needed anymore, neither dimX and dimY (the dimensions of the plot) - plot division is made on relative coordinates and then transformed in projected coordinates (if supplied) with a bilinear interpolation - trees are attributed to each subplot using tree_df and tree_coords agruments - Message warning if the grid dimensions don't match the plot dimensions - Used of the argument grid_tol to control the plot area which is included in the grid - The grid can be plot-centred using centred_grid argument - Added subplot_summary which will replace summaryByPlot - the function can take any tree metric using the value argument - any valid function can be applied as a summary - a ggplot is returned as output instead of just plot the plot division - Added "Spatialized trees and forest stands metrics with BIOMASS" vignette which will replace the "Manage trees and plot coordinates with BIOMASS" vignette * version 2.1.14 - Fix an issue about the inversion of subplot locations in cutPlot - Change the automatic corner numbering from counter-clockwise to clockise direction in cutPlot - Fix an issue with summaryByPlot when a plot do not contains any tree - Replace the procrust analyses used to calculate sub-plot corners with a bilinear interpolation that takes the coordinates of the projected plot corners as references. * version 2.1.13 - Activate pkgdown * version 2.1.12 - fix missing export of function predictHeight * version 2.1.11 - Move from httr to httr2 package for correctTaxo - Replace sp and raster dependencies by sf and terra * version 2.1.10 - Add a graceful failure message in case of API or connection failure to match the CRAN policy * version 2.1.9 - Change of the reference dataset in correctTaxo function to avoid a bug (tropicos was no longer maintained) - Add a graceful failure message in case of API or connection failure to match the CRAN policy * version 2.1.7 - Remove the as.vector to match the latest development versions of R * version 2.1.6 - Fit the CRAN policies regarding the cache management by defaulting location to R session temp folder (issue #30) - Use function createCache to activate a permanent cache - clearCache function allows to clear or remove permanent cache folder - Avoid all tests based on downloading rasters (E and bioclim parameters) * version 2.1.5 - updated TNRS API request code in correctTaxo (issue #25) * version 2.1.4 - replaced taxosaurus with TNRS for name resolution in correctTaxo - spell check documentation (thank you Mauro) - fix an issue with summaryByPlot when a plot contains a single tree - added fetching accepted names in correctTaxo - removed unneeded dependencies on usethis, taxize, covr, rvest, MCMCglmm and lmfor * version 2.1.3 - * version 2.1.2 - Modified dataset for compatibility issues with new rgdal package * version 2.1 - bugs correction - add a vignette for the managment of the plot - add few tricks for the summaryByPlot - add of a function to convert tree relative to absolute coordinates * version 2.0 - code optimization of most functions - new functions: computeFeldRegion, attributeTree, correctCoordGPS, cutPlot, latlong2UTM, numberCorner, summaryByPlot, updateCache - Re-writing of the dataset Karnataka forest, there were missing stems in the previous version of this database * version 1.2 - Duplicated genera from the plantList have been fixed in the "genusFamily" dataset (e.g. The family Jungermanniaceae was given for the genus Massularia, now the dataset gives the Rubiaceae family) * version 1.1 - The NouraguesHD dataset has now taxonomic information - The warning message from the computeAGB function has been removed - The correctTaxo function have been slightly modified to handle species names not recognized by TNRS - The getWoodDensity function has been slightly modified to deal with NA values in addWoodDensityData, which is now a data.frame of three colums and not four (the family column is now internaly built). - The computeAGB and AGBmonteCarlo functions have an additional argument: Dlim (see help). - The AGBmonteCarlo function has now an option to propagate error up to the carbon estimate (see the argument Carbon). * version 1.0 Initial version of BIOMASS