AnanseSeurat 1.2.0
- Added Seurat V5 support
- Added motif array fix & matrix dependency fix
- Fixed config_scANANSE accepting both lists and vectors instead of
only lists
AnanseSeurat 1.1.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the
- updated code formatting to adhere to the bestpractices()
- updated Readme file
- added a smaller test file for the example of DEG_function to test
within the allowed timeslot
- changed print statements to message(), warning() or stop()
- removed ‘outputdir’ variable from Maelstrom_Motif2TF, since it was
not used and data is now returned to the S4 objects as assays (and no
longer as output files)
- changed output_dir in all the export functions to be a mandatory
argument instead of taking the working dir as a default.
- added apache license to include patent info