#/usr/bin/perl # Usage: cgrep [-lines] pattern [files] $context = 3; # They might want more or less context. if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\d+)$/) { $context = $1; shift; } # Get the pattern and protect the delimiter. $pat = shift; $pat =~ s#/#\\/#g; # First line of input will be middle of array. # In the eval below, it will be $ary[$context]. $_ = <>; push(@ary,$_); # Add blank lines before, more input after first line. for (1 .. $context) { unshift(@ary,''); $_ = <>; push(@ary,$_) if $_; } # Now use @ary as a silo, shifting and pushing. eval < if \$_; shift(\@ary); push(\@ary,\$_); } LOOP_END