Just another HTML tag generator. [](
use HTML::AutoTag;
my $auto = HTML::AutoTag->new( indent => ' ', encode => 1 );
my %attr = ( style => { color => [qw(red green)] } );
my @data = qw( one two three four five six seven eight );
print $auto->tag(
tag => 'ol',
attr => {qw( reversed reversed )},
cdata => [
map { tag => 'li', attr => \%attr, cdata => $_ }, @data
To install this module, you should use CPAN. A good starting
place is [How to install CPAN modules](
If you truly want to install from this github repo, then
be sure and create the manifest before you test and install:
perl Makefile.PL
make manifest
make test
make install
Support and Documentation
After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.
perldoc HTML::AutoTag
You can also find documentation at [metaCPAN](
License and Copyright
See [source POD](/lib/HTML/