# NAME Business::TrueLayer - Perl library for interacting with the TrueLayer v3 API (https://docs.truelayer.com/) # VERSION v0.05 # SYNOPSIS my $TrueLayer = Business::TrueLayer->new( # required constructor arguments client_id => $truelayer_client_id, client_secret => $truelauer_client_secret, kid => $truelayer_kid, private_key => '/path/to/private/key', # optional constructor arguments (with defaults) host => 'truelayer.com', api_host => 'api.truelayer.com', auth_host => 'auth.truelayer.com', ); # valid your setup (neither required in live usage): $TrueLayer->test_signature; my $access_token = $TrueLayer->access_token; # create a payment my $Payment = $TrueLayer->create_payment( $args ); my $link = $Payment->hosted_payment_page_link( $redirect_uri ); # get status of a payment my $Payment = $TrueLayer->get_payment( $payment_id ); if ( $Payment->settled ) { ... } # create a mandate, then create a payment my $Mandate = $TrueLayer->create_mandate( $args ); if ( $Mandate->authorized ) { my $Payment = $TrueLayer->create_payment_from_mandate( $Mandate,$amount_in_minor_units ); } # DESCRIPTION [Business::TrueLayer](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer) is a client library for interacting with the TrueLayer v3 API. It implementes the necesary signing and transport logic to allow you to just focus on just the endpoints you want to call. The initial version of this distribution supports just those steps that described at [https://docs.truelayer.com/docs/quickstart-make-a-payment](https://docs.truelayer.com/docs/quickstart-make-a-payment) and others will be added as necessary (pull requests also welcome). # DEBUGGING Set `MOJO_CLIENT_DEBUG=1` for user agent and transport debug output. # METHODS ## test\_signature Tests if your signature and signing is valid. $TrueLayer->test_signature; Returns 1 on success, throws an exception otherwise. ## access\_token Get an access token. my $access_token = $TrueLayer->access_token; Returns an access token on success, throws an exception otherwise. ## merchant\_accounts Get a list of merchant accounts, `$id` is optional to specifiy just one. my @merchant_accounts = $TrueLayer->merchant_accounts( $id ); Returns a list of [Business::TrueLayer::MerchantAccount](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3AMerchantAccount) objects. ## create\_payment Instantiates a [Business::TrueLayer::Payment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3APayment) object then calls the API to create it - will return the object to allow you to inspect it and call methods on it. my $Payment = $TrueLayer->create_payment( $args ); `$args` should be a hash reference of the necessary attributes to instantiate a [Business::TrueLayer::Payment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3APayment) object - see the perldoc for that class for the attributes required. Any issues here will result in an exception being thrown. ## get\_payment Calls the API to get the details for a payment for the given id then instantiates a [Business::TrueLayer::Payment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3APayment) object for return to the caller my $Payment = $TrueLayer->get_payment( $payment_id ); Any issues here will result in an exception being thrown. ## create\_mandate Instantiates a [Business::TrueLayer::Mandate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3AMandate) object then calls the API to create it - will return the object to allow you to inspect it and call methods on it. my $Mandate = $TrueLayer->create_mandate( $args ); `$args` should be a hash reference of the necessary attributes to instantiate a [Business::TrueLayer::Mandate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3AMandate) object - see the perldoc for that class for the attributes required. Any issues here will result in an exception being thrown. ## get\_mandate Calls the API to get the details for a mandate for the given id then instantiates a [Business::TrueLayer::Mandate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3AMandate) object for return to the caller my $Mandate = $TrueLayer->get_mandate( $mandate_id ); Any issues here will result in an exception being thrown. ## create\_payment\_from\_mandate Returns a [Business::TrueLayer::Payment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3APayment) object after having called the TrueLayer API for a particular mandate my $Payment = $TrueLayer->create_payment_from_mandate( $Mandate, $amount_in_minor_units, ); `$Mandate` should be a Business::TrueLayer::Mandate object, and `$amount_in_minor_units` should be exactly that. Any issues here will result in an exception being thrown. # SEE ALSO [Business::TrueLayer::MerchantAccount](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3AMerchantAccount) [Business::TrueLayer::Payment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business%3A%3ATrueLayer%3A%3APayment) # AUTHORS Lee Johnson - `leejo@cpan.org` Nicholas Clark # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/payprop/business-truelayer