NAME WebService::YahooJapan::WebMA - Easy-to-use Interface for Yahoo! Japan Web MA Web Service SYNOPSIS use WebService::YahooJapan::WebMA; my $api = WebService::YahooJapan::WebMA->new( appid => 'your_appid', ); my $result = $api->parse(sentence => 'sentence here') or die $api->error; my $ma_result = $result->{ma_result}; print $ma_result->{total_count}; print $ma_result->{filtered_count}; for my $word (@{$ma_result->{word_list}}) { $word->{surface}; $word->{reading}; $word->{pos}; $word->{baseform}; } DESCRIPTION This module priovides you an Object Oriented interface for Yahoo! Japan Web MA Web Service. You can do Japanese language morphological analysis with this module. METHODS new([%options]) Returns an instance of this module. The following option can be set: appid # required ua # optional. LWP::UserAgent instance parse(%options) Requests API with options and returns results. The following option can be set: sentence # required results response filter ma_response ma_filter uniq_response uniq_by_baseform See the official API documents about detail of options and return values. error Returns error message. AUTHOR Jiro Nishiguchi <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO *