SMcli version 0.01

A simple perl interface to Engenio's SANtricity CLI to enable the monitoring
and management of SAN devices. The following methods are currently provided:

          Checks the overall status of the array. Returns 0 if the
          array is OK, otherwise an array reference to the output from
          the SMcli command.

          Checks the status of volume VOLNAME. Returns a hash reference
          containing all the volume information (which varies by volume

    getConfig( ARGS )
          Get storage array config. If no args are specified this is run
          with the SMcli allConfig option. To specify the data to get set
          any of the following hash keys to 1:
               globalSettings, volumeConfigAndSettings, hostTopology, lunMappings

          Returns a File::Temp object of the file containing the config data

    getEvents( ARGS )
          Get information from the array event log. Optional arguments are:
               eventType => all | critical (defaults to all)
               count     => n              (# of events to get, omit to
                                            get all)

          Returns a File::Temp object of the file containing the event log

    monitorPerformance( ARGS )
          Get array performance statistics. Optional arguments are:
               interval   => n (seconds between data capture, defaults to 5)
               iterations => n (# of iterations, defaults to 5)

          Returns a File::Temp object of the file containing the performance

          Recreates a previously stopped snapshot. Argument is snapshot
          name, returns 0 if successful, otherwise 1.

          Resumes a previously suspended RVM remote mirror. This command
          must be run on the primary array. Argument is name of RVM
          primary, returns 0 if successful, otherwise 1.

    showController( ARGS )
          Gets information on array controllers. Optional args are:
               controller     => a | b (Controller to report on) OR
               allControllers => 1     (All controllers - default)
               summary        => 1     (Summary mode - off by default)

          Returns an array reference containing the command output.

          Stops a snapshot. Argument is snapshot name, returns 0 if
          successful, otherwise 1.

          Suspends an RVM remote mirror. This command must be run on the
          primary array. Argument is name of RVM primary, returns 0 if
          successful, otherwise 1.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires only modules that are included with the standard
perl distribution.


Copyright (C) 2004 by Rich Bishop

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.