#!/usr/bin/env perl =head1 NAME mwhois - multi-plexing whois client =head1 SYNOPSIS A domain name information gathering tool that looks up whois records with the authorative WHOIS server and common DNS records. =head1 USAGE mwhois domain.com =cut use IO::Socket; BEGIN { eval "require Net::DNS" ; $netdns = 1 unless $@ ; } use Carp ; my $dom = shift ; my %server_addrs = () ; # root whois server query if ( $dom =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ ) { $start = 'whois.arin.net' ; $prefix = '' ; $dnslookup = join(".", reverse split /\./, $dom) ; $dnslookup .= ".in-addr.arpa" ; } else { $start = 'whois.internic.net' ; $prefix = 'domain ' ; $dom =~ s/^www\.// ; $dom =~ s/^.*@// ; $dnslookup = $dom ; } my( $whois, ); $_ = query( "$prefix$dom", $start ) ; if ( ( $whois ) = /Whois Server:\s*(.*)/i ) { print "Refering to $whois for details:\n" ; $_ = query( "$dom", $whois ) ; if ( $whois eq 'whois.networksolutions.com' ) { s/.*?(?=\nRegistrant:\n)//s ; } $domainfound = 1 ; } print ; sub query { my( $dom, $server_name ) = @_ ; my( $a, $text, $server_addr ) ; unless ( $server_addr = $server_addrs{$server_name} ) { $a = gethostbyname $server_name or croak "no address: $server_name" ; $server_addrs{$server_name} = $server_addr = join( ".", unpack "C4", $a) ; } $server_addr or croak "no server: $a" ; $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $server_addr, PeerPort => 'whois', Proto => 'tcp') or croak "Can't connect to $server_name: $@"; $sock->autoflush; print $sock "$dom\x0d\x0a"; { local $/; $text = <$sock>; } undef $sock; $text || carp "No data returned from server"; } if ( $netdns ) { $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver ; $res->dnsrch(0); $res->recurse(0); @regns = $res->nameservers() ; $res->nameservers( '', '', '' ) ; RECURSE: # loop through name servers until we get a final ANSWER section for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 7 ; $i++ ) { $query = $res->send($dnslookup, "NS") ; # check for a NScount aka an authority section if ( $query->header->nscount() ) { # grab the address from the additional section of the packet # did we get an A record for the name server in the additional section??? if ( $query->header->arcount() ) { $rr = ( $query->additional() )[ rand($query->header->arcount()) ] ; die "NS query failure: wrong record type\n" unless $rr->type eq 'A' ; # set name servers to next level $res->nameservers( $rr->address() ); } else { # check for NS or SOA records... $rr = ( $query->authority() )[ rand($query->header->nscount()) ] ; if ( $rr->type eq 'NS' ) { $res->nameservers( $rr->nsdname() ); } else { # we got some other kind of record, print it and exit... print $rr->print() ; exit 1 ; } } # if we got an answer we're done... } elsif ( $query->header->ancount() ) { last RECURSE ; } } if ( $i == 7 ) { die "NS query failed: Name server recursion too deep.\n" } # need to handle return of wrong type better throughout if ( $query->header->ancount() ) { print "Root delegation is to the following name servers:\n" ; foreach $rr ( $query->answer() ) { next unless $rr->type eq 'NS' ; printf " %-s\n", $rr->nsdname() ; } foreach $rr ( $query->additional ) { push @auth, $rr->address() ; } } else { print "NS query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n"; } if ( $prefix eq 'domain ' && @auth ) { # print "@regns @auth\n" ; $res->nameservers( @auth ) or die "Can't change nameservers to @regns: ", $res->errorstring, "\n" ; $res->dnsrch(1); $res->recurse(1); print "Checking with authoritative name servers for common A records:\n" ; foreach $host ( '', 'www', ) { $fqdn = $host ? "$host.$dnslookup" : $dnslookup ; $query = $res->query( $fqdn, "A"); if ( $query ) { foreach $rr ( $query->answer ) { next unless $rr->type eq 'A' ; printf " %-35s %-s\n", $host || $fqdn, $rr->address() ; } } else { printf " %-35s %-s\n", $host || $fqdn, $res->errorstring ; } } print "Checking with authoritative name servers for MX records:\n" ; $query = $res->query($dnslookup, "MX"); if ( $query ) { foreach $rr ( $query->answer ) { next unless $rr->type eq 'MX' ; printf " %-35s %ld\n", $rr->exchange(), $rr->preference(), ; } } else { print " MX query failed: ", $res->errorstring, "\n"; } } } else { warn "Net::DNS not installed. Skipping DNS checks.\n" ; }