=begin pod =TITLE Pod::Walker =SYNOPSIS Walks a Pod tree, calling various converter functions on them. =head1 C<Walker::Callees> This is the class that holds all the functions that get called back during the walk. To turn on debugging information, pass the C<:debug> flag to the constructor. Alternately, you can toggle debugging via C<.debug-ON> and C<.debug-OFF>. For each of the following functions, you can either set them through the C<:func> adverb in the constructor, or at any time with the C<set-func> method. Calling these functions, if necessary, is with the C<func> method. Walker::Callees(:para(&foo)); # call &foo on Pod::Block::Para $wc.set-para(&foo); # same All callbacks are set to a default function that simply passes through the first argument (itemized, even if the first argument is not an array). It is recommended to set a function on every possible callee, even those you wish to ignore. You should generally return one, scalar string as a result of these functions, though as long as you've set up your functions to handle other types of return values, it should still work. The signature definitions given below must be adhered to, as you might expect C<:)>. =head2 C<para> para-func(@text) { ... } Turn the result of lower nodes (in C<@text>) into a paragraph. =head2 C<named> named-func(@text, $name) { ... } Turn the result of lower nodes (in C<@text>) into a section of the document, based on the C<$name> of this named block. =head2 C<comment> comment-func(@text) { ... } Converts the contents of a comment block (in C<@text>). Unless you're implementing some sort of debugging function or other mechanism requiring the display of comments, this is probably all that you need: sub empty-func(|) { } =head2 C<code> code-func(@text) { ... } Converts the contents of a code block (in C<@text>). =head2 C<declarator> declarator-func(@text, $WHEREFORE) { ... } Converts the contents of a declarator block (in @text), with the snippet of code it was attached to (C<$WHEREFORE>). =head2 C<table> table-func(@text, @headers, $caption) { ... } Converts a table. Cells are in C<@text>, headers (if any) are in C<@headers>, and a table caption (if any) is in C<$caption>. =head2 C<fcode> fcode-func(@text, $type, @meta) { ... } Formats some C<@text> based on the C<$type> of formatting code. Relevant metadata is in C<@meta>. =head2 C<heading> heading-func(@text, $level) { ... } Converts a heading (whose contents are in C<@text>) at a particular C<$level>. =head2 C<item> item-func(@text, $level) { ... } Converts an item (whose contents are in C<@text>) at a particluar C<$level>. =head2 C<config> config-func($type, %config) { ... } Handles configuration information of a particular C<$type> and with a particular C<%config>. As with the comment block, you may want to set this callback to an empty function, unless you need to output the configuration information given. =head2 C<plain> plain-func($string) { ... } Converts plain text (for example, escaping certain characters for HTML output). All literal text in a Pod tree will pass through this at some point. =head1 C<pod-walk> — The Pod Tree Walker pod-walk(Walker::Callees $wc, Pod::Block $top) Uses the given C<Walker::Callees> class while processing everything at and below the given C<Pod::Block>. C<$top> is the topmost node of your Pod tree. Yes, this means you can't use a C<Pod::Config> as a topmost node; it's not clear when this would be needed anyway. =end pod