"./test.tex", line 3: possible unwanted space at "{" "./test.tex", line 4: you may need a \/ before "world" "./test.tex", line 5: \/ not needed before italic text "world" "./test.tex", line 6: \/ not needed after non-italic text "hello" "./test.tex", line 7: double \/ found "\/" "./test.tex", line 8: do not use \/ before "," "./test.tex", line 9: punctuation mark "." should be placed before end of displaymath "./test.tex", line 10: punctuation mark "." should be placed after end of math mode "./test.tex", line 11: {argument} missing for \begin "./test.tex", line 13: TAB character in verbatim environment "./test.tex", line 15: {argument} missing for \end "./test.tex", line 16: missing `\ ' after "a.k.a." "./test.tex", line 17: missing `\@' before `.' in "HELLO." "./test.tex", line 18: double space at "~ " "./test.tex", line 19: \ldots should be \cdots in "+ \ldots +" "./test.tex", line 20: \cdots should be \ldots in " , \cdots ," "./test.tex", line 21: Dots should be \cdots in "+ .. +" "./test.tex", line 22: Dots should be \ldots in " , .. ," "./test.tex", line 23: Dots should be ellipsis "..." "./test.tex", line 24: bad character in label "\label{hello evil world}", see C.10.2 "./test.tex", line 25: perhaps you should insert a `~' before "\ref" "./test.tex", line 26: whitespace before footnote in "\footnote" "./test.tex", line 27: Don't use "\above" in LaTeX documents "./test.tex", line 28: Fontspecifiers don't take arguments. " \rm" "./test.tex", line 29: Do not use @ in LaTeX macro names. "\hello@world" "./test.tex", line 30: Use ` to begin quotation, not ' " ''world" "./test.tex", line 31: Use ' to end quotation, not ` "hello`" "./test.tex", line 32: Whitespace before punctation mark in " ." "./test.tex", line 34: <- unmatched "display math end \]" "./test.tex", line 33: -> unmatched "math begin \(" "./test.tex", line 35: \verb should not contain end of line characters "./test.tex", line 43: <- unmatched "end of file ./test.tex" "./test.tex", line 33: -> unmatched "math begin \("