% Article sub-style JOE.STY 1-MAR-1989 17:17:32 % Updated 2-FEB-1990 09:51:35 \typeout{Article documentstyle option 'joe' for the Journal of Economics.} % BASIC SETUPS AND LAYOUTS \ds@twoside % First, we use two-sided layout for the JoE. \twocolumn % Second, impose two columns \sloppy % TeX's sloppy looks better than LaTeX's fussy! \flushbottom % Flushbottom since this is for production \parindent 1em % Indents, margins, widths, and seps \leftmargini 2em % " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " \leftmarginv .5em % " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " \leftmarginvi .5em % " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " \marginparwidth 48pt % V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V \marginparsep 10pt % --------------------------------- \voffset-.4in % Offset the page to fit \parskip=0pt plus 1pt % Allow for stretchy paragraph skips \textwidth6.6in % Text is 6.6 inches wide \textheight9.1in % Text is 9.1 inches high \oddsidemargin.2in % Offset for odd-numbered pages \evensidemargin.1in % Offset for odd-numbered pages \headheight8.2pt % Allow 7.1 points for header text \headsep4.5mm % Separate text from headers 4.4 millimeters \columnsep.3in % Separate columns .3 inches \arraycolsep 2.5pt % Separate columns in arrays by 5 pt total \nofiles % Don't use .AUX files, so why create them? \renewcommand{\textfraction}{.12} \renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.8} \renewcommand{\dblfloatpagefraction}{.8} \newskip\holdsep % New skip for listing environments \holdsep 4.5pt plus 2pt minus 1pt % which is defined to standard \itemsep \def\shortseps{\itemsep=\parskip} % Use \shortseps to get \itemsep of \parskip \def\normalseps{\itemsep=\holdsep} % Use \normalseps to get standard \itemsep \pagestyle{empty} % Empty pagestyle, but we will customize below % DEFINE ARTICLE-SPECIFIC HEADING INFORMATION \def\vol#1{\edef\vol{#1}} % Volume number \def\yr#1{\edef\yr{#1}} % Year of publication \def\runhead#1{\edef\runhead{#1}} % Running header (Author: Title) % \prelim OPTION TO IDENTIFY PROOF DRAFTS AWAITNG FINAL EDITORIAL APPROVAL \newif\ifprelim \global\prelimfalse \def\prelim{\global\prelimtrue\typeout{Proof Draft}} % DEFINE PAGE HEADERS \evenpageheader AND \oddpageheader % A variation from HEADERFOOTER.STY, copyright (c) 1987 by Stephen Gildea \newcommand\evenpageheader[3]{\def\@evenhead {\rlap{#1}\hss{#2}\hss\llap{#3}}} \newcommand\oddpageheader[3]{\def\@oddhead {\rlap{#1}\hss{#2}\hss\llap{#3}}} % PAGE HEADERS AND LEAD FOOTNOTE \evenpageheader{\bf \thepage}{\large\sl The Journal of Economics, \vol , \yr} {\ifprelim{\bf Proof Draft} \else {}\fi} \oddpageheader{\ifprelim{\bf Proof Draft} \else {}\fi}{\large\sl \runhead}{\bf \thepage} % DEFINE NECESSARY DEMERITS AND OTHER STUFF TO MAKE IT LOOK RIGHT \doublehyphendemerits=100000 % No consecutive line hyphens \brokenpenalty=10000 % No broken words across columns/pages \widowpenalty=10000 % No widows at bottom of page \clubpenalty=10000 % No orphans at top of page % DEFINE \leadpagelayout \date{} \let\school\thanks \let\leadpagelayout\maketitle \let\section\subsection \def\thesubsection{\Roman{subsection}.} \let\subsection\subsubsection \def\thesubsubsection{\Alph{subsubsection}.} \let\subsubsection\paragraph \def\theparagraph{\arabic{paragraph}.} % DECALIGN.STY included directly in whole %\typeout{Document Style option 'decalign'. Released 1 October 1987} \def\dsep{} % This is necessary for some unknown reason. \def\@testpach#1{\@chclass \ifnum \@lastchclass=\tw@ 4 \else \ifnum \@lastchclass=3 5 \else \z@ \if #1c\@chnum \z@ \else \if #1l\@chnum \@ne \else \if #1r\@chnum \tw@ \else \@chclass \if #1|\@ne \else \if #1@\tw@ \else \if #1p3 \else \if #1d7 \else \ifnum \@lastchclass=7 8 \else \z@ \@preamerr 0\fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi} % Additions to these macros handle the extra classes. \def\@mkpream#1{\@firstamptrue\@lastchclass6 \def\@preamble{}\def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}\let\@sharp\relax \let\@startpbox\relax\let\@endpbox\relax \@expast{#1}\expandafter\@tfor \expandafter \@nextchar \expandafter:\expandafter=\@tempa\do{\@testpach\@nextchar \ifnum \@lastchclass=7 \ifnum \@chclass=8 \else\@classviii{.}\fi\fi \ifcase \@chclass \@classz \or \@classi \or \@classii \or \@classiii \or \@classiv \or\@classv \or \or\@classvii \or\@classviii{\@nextchar}% \fi\@lastchclass\@chclass}% \ifcase \@lastchclass \@acol \or \or \@preamerr \@ne\or \@preamerr \tw@\or \or \@acol \fi} \def\@tabular{\leavevmode \hbox \bgroup $\let\@acol\@tabacol \let\@classz\@tabclassz \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv \let\@classviii\@tabclassviii \let\\\@tabularcr\@tabarray} \def\array{\let\@acol\@arrayacol \let\@classz\@arrayclassz \let\@classiv\@arrayclassiv \let\@classviii\@arrayclassviii \let\\\@arraycr\def\@halignto{}\@tabarray} \def\@arrayclassz{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \or \or \or \@addamp \or \@acolampacol \or \@firstampfalse \@acol \or \@acolampacol \or \@acolampacol \fi \edef\@preamble{\@preamble \ifcase \@chnum \hfil$\relax\@sharp$\hfil \or $\relax\@sharp$\hfil \or \hfil$\relax\@sharp$\fi}} \def\@tabclassz{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \or \or \or \@addamp \or \@acolampacol \or \@firstampfalse \@acol \or \@acolampacol \or \@acolampacol \fi \edef\@preamble{\@preamble \ifcase \@chnum \hfil\ignorespaces\@sharp\unskip\hfil \or \ignorespaces\@sharp\unskip\hfil \or \hfil\hskip\z@ \ignorespaces\@sharp\unskip\fi}} \def\@classi{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acol \@arrayrule \or \@addtopreamble{\hskip \doublerulesep}\@arrayrule\or \or \or \@arrayrule \or \@acol \@arrayrule \or \@arrayrule \or \@acol \@arrayrule \or \@acol \@arrayrule \fi} \def\@classiii{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acolampacol \or \@addamp\@acol \or \or \or \@addamp \or \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \or \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \fi} \def\@classvii{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acolampacol \or \@addamp\@acol \or \or \or \@addamp \or \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \or \@acolampacol \or \@acolampacol \fi} \def\@tabclassviii#1{\@addtopreamble{\catcode`#1=4 \hfil\ignorespaces\@sharp \unskip\@sharp\unskip\hfil}} \def\@arrayclassviii#1{\@addtopreamble{\catcode`#1=4 \hfil$\relax\@sharp$& $\relax.\@sharp$\hfil}}