% DRAFTSTAMP.sty % % Put a big DRAFT (or anything) across each page (or only the first page), % using PostScript. % % USAGE % Bring it in with % \input draftstamp.sty % (LaTeX users can instead say \documentstyle[...,draftstamp,...]{...}). % The default it to print DRAFT without the user doing anything. % % RESTRICTIONS % 1) Expects the DVI to PostScript driver to be DVIPS. % % REMARKS % 1) The angle, position, font, and typesize can be changed inside each % document if you comment out the \draftstamp just up from the bottom of % this file. The price is that you have to say \draftstamp yourself, % after you (optionally) redefine these values (obviously at the % start of the document). Example: for LaTeX, the line after % \documentstyle[..,draftstamp,..]{..} % could read % \def\drafttext{INTERNAL ONLY}\def\draftPSscalefont{ 100 }\draftstamp % (note the \draftstamp). See also Installation (3). % 2) The number before setgray describes lightness or darkness of the text. % This is white area/total area, so white=1, black=0. % 3) Called draftstamp.sty and not draftstamp.tex (i) so LaTeX users can % include it in the list of substyles, if desired, and (ii) so a person % on the nets can tell from the directory listing alone that it is % a drop-in file, and not a document. % % INSTALLATION % 0) Put this where your TeX looks for files. For emTeX that is probably % c:\emtex\texinputs. % 1) Run as described in Usage and check the darkness of DRAFT. Tip: check % if it reproduces on your favorite copier. See Remark (2). % 2) Have the next line be uncommented if you want a warning when the % stamp is on. \message{ Substyle DRAFTSTAMP <93-Jul-07 jh>.} % 3) Some people may want DRAFT only on the first page. Or they may want % some other text. They need to change this file (or, if this file is in % an inaccessable shared area, change a copy of this file in their home % area). % Here are their options. % (i) Go to the bottom. % Change the commenting so that \draftfirstpageonlytrue is the % default. Now every document will put DRAFT on only the first page. % Or, change \drafttext to \def\drafttext{v. 1.01}. Now every % document will have v. 1.01 on the pages. Of course, non-English % documents will need something like this. % Or, change any default in this way. % (ii) To decide values on a per-document basis, go to the bottom and % comment out the \draftstamp invocation. Inside eacy document, % any changes made to the defaults must be followed by \draftstamp: % for instance, DRAFT only on the first page with % \draftfirstpageonlytrue\draftstamp % (naturally you can, for instance, combine the \input draftstamp.sty % line and the above into a personal macro). % (iii) Modify this file to either prompt the user or to look for a % user's (configuration or profile) file to set defaults on a % per-user basis. I (jh) thought these were both big solutions to % a small problem, so I didn't do them. % % HISTORY % 93-Jul-07 jh Lones Smith (lones@lones.mit.edu) suggests an option for % printing only on the first page. I made some internal changes so % that could be done at document-processing time, instead of set % by a system manager. % 93-Jul-01 jh Added Installation (1) tip. Posted to SHSU. % 93-May-18 jh Changed setgray number from .99 to .94 to make DRAFT darker % so it will reproduce on my copier. % 93-Mar-05 jim hefferon (hefferon@smcvax.smcvt.edu) Typed in from an note % given by Vivek Khera (khera@cs.duke.edu) on comp.text.tex, who said it % came first from Anita Marie Hoover (anita@brahms.udel.edu). ?Derives % first from the dvips manual? % % macro: \draftstamp Insert raw PostScript via a dvips \special. % The dvips manual under Other Bells and Whistles suggests printing a DRAFT % across each page with essentially: % \special{! userdict % begin /bop-hook{ % gsave 200 30 translate % 65 rotate /Times-Roman findfont 220 scalefont setfont % 0 0 moveto 0.94 setgray (DRAFT) show grestore % }def end}}% % (`bop-hook' for `beginning of page'?). I (jh) turned these numbers % into variables and buried it inside a \def\draftstamp so the numbers are % set when the \draftstamp command is issued, instead of when this file is % read. \newif\ifdraftfirstpageonly % Now either \draftfirstpageonlytrue or \draftfirstpageonlyfalse % puts DRAFT only on the first page, or on every page. Omitting both % amounts to `false'. See the discussion of \newif (p. 211 in TeXbook). % (I (jh) chose \newif instead of an optional argument so plain TeX works, % not just LaTeX.) \def\draftstamphook{\ifdraftfirstpageonly/start% \else/bop% \fi} \def\draftstamp{\special{! userdict begin \draftstamphook-hook{ gsave \draftPStranslate translate \draftPSrotate rotate \draftPSfont findfont \draftPSscalefont scalefont setfont \draftPSmoveto moveto \draftPSgraylevel setgray (\drafttext) show grestore }def end}}% % % DEFAULTS \def\drafttext{DRAFT} \def\draftPStranslate{ 200 30 } \def\draftPSscalefont{ 220 } \def\draftPSgraylevel{ 0.94 } % See Remarks (2) and Installation (1). \def\draftPSrotate{ 65 } \def\draftPSmoveto{ 0 0 } \def\draftPSfont{ /Times-Roman } % Comment out whichever of these you don't want to make the default. \draftfirstpageonlyfalse % do all pages %\draftfirstpageonlytrue % do first page only % % The next command activates \draftstamp. If you want to activate % differently for each document (say, by sometimes changing DRAFT to % SECRET) you need to comment this line out. (It % is here for compatibility with old versions of this style.) See also % Installation (3). \draftstamp \endinput