%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cut here--start of whitecdp.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % whitecdp (formerly schulzrinne.sty) --provide for blank pages % between chapters % This redefinition of the \cleardoublepage command provides % for a special pagestyle for the "extra" pages which are generated % to ensure that the chapter opener is on a recto page. % The pagestyle is "chapterverso"; for many publishers, this should be % identical to "empty", so that's the default. \def\ps@chapterverso{\ps@empty}% \def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage \if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else \null\thispagestyle{chapterverso}\newpage \if@twocolumn\null\newpage\fi \fi \fi }% \def\ps@chapterverso{\ps@empty}% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cut here--end of whitecdp.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%