THIS IS AN INCLUDE FILE No. 2 FOR TOILB.AWK %This file belongs to the TOIL package : Ten plik nale/zy do pakietu TOIL %This package is public domain : Pakiet stanowi dobro powszechne %For more info see `0TOILENG.LIC' : Wi/ecej informacji w ,,0TOILPOL.LIC'' %============================================================================ % INITIALIZATION: if not string mode: % unless user's will is different mode:=tfm_mode; % set our private mode, defined above fi mode_setup; displaying:=0; % we're never displaying font_coding_scheme enc_kind; font_identifier jobname; font_size 10pt#; % i.e., |designsize=10pt#| u#:=if known XS: XS* fi \\ 1/18designsize; font_normal_space 6u#; font_normal_stretch 3u#; font_normal_shrink 2u#; font_quad 18u#; font_extra_space 2u#; font_x_height XHEIGHT; afm_slant:=SLANT; user_slant:=if known IA: sind(IA)/cosd(IA) else: 0 fi; % |fontdimen1| should contain the resulting slant: res_slant:=xpart(up slanted afm_slant slanted user_slant); font_slant res_slant; if known math_rule: fontdimen 8: math_rule; fi if known math_axis: fontdimen 22: math_axis; fi numeric show_skipping; % default is not showing % --------------------------------