%%% ==================================================================== %%% @TeX-font-metrics-file{ %%% author = "Alan Jeffrey and Ulrik Vieth and %%% Lars Hellstr{\"o}m", %%% version = "1.923", %%% date = "2003-03-29", %%% time = "16:18:07 +01:00", %%% filename = "lsmisc.mtx", %%% email = "fontinst@cogs.susx.ac.uk", %%% URL = "http://www.tug.org/applications/fontinst/", %%% checksum = "", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "metrics, TeX, PostScript", %%% supported = "yes", %%% abstract = "This is a font metrics file, for use with the %%% fontinst utility. It sets some miscellaneous %%% glyphs in latin smallcaps.", %%% package = "fontinst", %%% dependencies = "fontinst.sty, fontdoc.sty", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc}[2002/03/01] \showbranches \title{Smallcaps miscellanea} \author{Alan Jeffrey\and Ulrik Vieth\and Lars Hellstr\"om} \date{5 January 2003\\Version 1.923} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} This file sets some miscellaneous smallcaps glyphs, most of which serve mainly to complete some family of glyphs whose names are built according to some simple pattern. It should work just as well will real smallcaps as with faked smallcaps. \metrics \needsfontinstversion{1.917} \ProvidesMtxPackage{lsmisc} \begincomment \section{Miscellaneous smallcaps} \subsection{Some glyph aliases} The next few glyphs are usually available (if any smallcaps glyphs are), but may come under a name different from that which ETX files expect. \endcomment \ifisglyph{Ismall}\then \setglyph{dotlessIsmall} \glyph{Ismall}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{dotlessIsmall}{Ismall}{1000} \endsetglyph \Fi \ifisglyph{Jsmall}\then \setglyph{dotlessJsmall} \glyph{Jsmall}{1000} \setleftrightkerning{dotlessJsmall}{Jsmall}{1000} \endsetglyph \Fi \begincomment \subsection{Smallcap ligatures} Smallcap letters usually do not form ligatures, but many font encodings nonetheless reserve slots for them, and in particular many ETX files will try to put smallcap ligatures in the ligature slots. Hence there is some point in making these glyphs, even though they are only what one would get if there was no ligature. \medskip \endcomment \setint{smallcapsspacing}{0} \comment{In case some letterspacing will be applied to the smallcaps, then that amount should also be added between the glyphs below. In most cases however, such spacing should already have been included in the base glyphs, and in that case, $0$ is the correct value.} \ifisglyph{Fsmall}\then \setglyph{FFsmall} \glyph{Fsmall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Fsmall}{Fsmall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Fsmall}{1000} \endsetglyph \setrightkerning{FFsmall}{Fsmall}{1000} \ifisglyph{Ismall}\then \setglyph{FIsmall} \glyph{Fsmall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Fsmall}{Ismall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Ismall}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{FIsmall}{Fsmall}{1000} \setrightkerning{FIsmall}{Ismall}{1000} \setglyph{FFIsmall} \glyph{FFsmall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Fsmall}{Ismall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Ismall}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{FFIsmall}{Fsmall}{1000} \setrightkerning{FFIsmall}{Ismall}{1000} \Fi \ifisglyph{Lsmall}\then \setglyph{FLsmall} \glyph{Fsmall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Fsmall}{Lsmall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Lsmall}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{FLsmall}{Fsmall}{1000} \setrightkerning{FLsmall}{Lsmall}{1000} \setglyph{FFLsmall} \glyph{FFsmall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Fsmall}{Lsmall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Lsmall}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{FFLsmall}{Fsmall}{1000} \setrightkerning{FFLsmall}{Lsmall}{1000} \Fi \Fi % ifisglyph{Fsmall} \ifareglyphs{Ismall,Jsmall}\then \setglyph{IJsmall} \glyph{Ismall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Ismall}{Jsmall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Jsmall}{1000} \endsetglyph % \setleftkerning{IJsmall}{Ismall}{1000} \setrightkerning{IJsmall}{Jsmall}{1000} \Fi \comment{That the above glyphs only kern on the right is deliberate. Since they are only put in a horizontal list due to a ligature, they will never occur as the right party when kerning is considered. Not having any kerns on the left simplifies reusing ligature slots as right boundary characters. \texttt{SSsmall} is however a different matter, since that is (in a sense, and probably only if some German spelling reforms are ignored) a proper letter.} \ifisglyph{Ssmall}\then \setglyph{SSsmall} \glyph{Ssmall}{1000} \movert{\add{\kerning{Ssmall}{Ssmall}}{\int{smallcapsspacing}}} \glyph{Ssmall}{1000} \endsetglyph \setleftrightkerning{SSsmall}{Ssmall}{1000} \Fi \endmetrics \section{Changes} This file was part of \texttt{latin.mtx} until 2000/10/20. Its was set up as a separate file 2003/01/02--05. (LH) \end{document} % Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Alan Jeffrey, % hacked and maintained 1997, 1998 Sebastian Rahtz, % copyright 1998, 1999 the fontinst maintenance team and any individual % authors listed elsewhere in this file. All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the fontinst system version 1.9. % ----------------------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public % License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution. % Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version. %